
Note: Your cities do not have to be layed out this way this it just how I do mine and is merely a suggetion.  The building count should be similar as this is very effective but it doenst have to be exactly the same.


This is a screenshot of one of my cities, obviously everything needs built up, but I put all the buildings there to show you how I lay mine out.  The 4 buildings that have black circles around them (forge, workshop, warehouse, and stables) will all be removed when I am done using them for research and as a prerequsite to other construction so I can replace them with  barracks.  I would like eveyone to send me a screenshot like this at [email protected], make sure you change the tab on the bottom right so I can see your troop count.  Thank you.



You can see here how I lay out my resources.  One row will start with a Quarry, the rest will start with a Farm.  The other 7 spots in each row will alternate Sawmills and Iron mines each row.  This may seem hard to deal with early in the life of a server or account but trust me late game you will be much better off.  You will have to trade for Food and Stone so your Marketplace needs to be at least level 2 and you need to always think 30 min ahead because that's how long it take to receive resources that you buy in the Market.  I will post a new shot when I fill up all my fields.  My final tally will be 1 Quarry, 4 Farms, 21 Sawmills, and 14 Iron mines.  Again I would like everyone to email me a screenshot like this to [email protected] just so I can see where you are all at.

New accounts

Anything with less than a 5 min build time you can use a free speedup making starting your city very fast.  After each step stop and collect your quests for resources and prestige bonuses.  Sometimes the Quest tab will not flash but once you open it you will be able to collect them anyways.

Begin by building 2 level 2 cottages and applying your Newbie's Package from your inventory (My Items>Chest>Newbie's Package)

Build a resource field of each type up to level 2

Change your productions rate to 100% by clicking to open your town hall and clicking the production tab
Note:this is a very helpful screen with a lot of information if you know how to use it I highly recommend you spend some time going through the tabs and getting familiar with the different buttons here.

In the same place change your Tax rate to 20%

Back to the window to change your city name

Click on your Lord picture on the main screen to bring up a new window there is a button to change your flag.

You can now begin building your different city buildings, the order is not terribly important as most of them will return your as many or more resources when you build the first level of them.

Continue to build new buildings and collect your quests as you go, you population should cross 200 at some point around here so you can collect that quest as well.

Once you are out of buildings that give you an even return or you are logging off for a while you will want to put some time into resource fields.  Resource fields can be built quickly at first with free speed ups up to level 4 Farms, level 3 Sawmills and Quarries, and level 2 Ironmines.
Note: when building resource fields keep in mind the age of the server and market prices.  On a brand new server stone will be very expensive because you need a lot to build your city early,  but once a server matures Lumber and Iron are the precious commodities as they are more important late game.  Food is a must early on to survive but once you are established and the server settles down you will be able to plunder or buy it in the market after selling a small amount of Lumber or Iron.

Whenever you see your population is getting too low stop to build a few cottages, they can be sped up up to level 3 for free.

Don't forget to use your free speedups where possible and activate your amulets if you run out of resources, you may just get what you need.

Founding cities

In order to found a new city you will need 250 workers and 10,000 of each resource available.  You will need to conquer a flat and recall the attacking troops.  At this point the flat will light up a button that says (Build City).  When you click it it will send your 250 workers with the materials to the flat and start building the city, this will take some time but when its done it will come up with a prompt to name the city and your done.  Congratulations you have a brand new city.

The building guide above still pretty much applies but you probably wont need all the auxiliary buildings for long.  Build them to level 1 then demolish them once they are not needed.  In my experience 3 million of each resource should be plenty to get a new city up and on its own.

Conquering cities

NOTE: You cannot conquer a lords last city.  If you wish to take a city from another player first check them in the statistics tab and make sure they have multiple cities.
There are two possibilities when conquering another players city, they will either have their gates open or closed.

 If they have their gates open the first wave of troops you send will encounter their troops so it needs to be a bigger attack force.  Once your first attack wave hits you will have killed all their troops and you will need to send many smaller attack waves in rapid succession.  This will lower the cities loyalty and boost public grievance.   When the loyalty gets to 15 your attacks will no longer decrease the loyalty but instead boost the grievance.  The loyalty will continue to drop but at a much slower rate.  Once the loyalty gets to zero you will be able to take the city.

If the gates are closed then the process is similar you will encounter their wall defenses first but once those are dead you will have small waves until you get them down to 5 loyalty.  When the city gets to 5 loyalty the gates will automatically open and you will fight the troops inside.  So you will have to time a big wave to hit at that time.  Once you kill the troops the process is the same, drive it to zero loyalty and its yours.